Blog 14

I will put media into my essay that helps expand on what I am trying to say. I wanna use pictures of the night sky and sunsets because th0se are what I consider to be true beauty. I also want to put links on of pieces of music that I think draw emotions. I have yet to narrow it down to just certain things to use as links. I will use the seagull book to help me when citing because I have been having some trouble with citing. And online is not that clear as to what I am supposed to do.


I plan on using questions and my own opinion as to what beauty truly is. I want to use Jake’s presentation on rap and its impact it has. I also want to use my own presentation because it talks about beauty in your own opinion and to not think what all of society thinks. My body paragraphs will have forms of beauty and how I believe that it is beauty. I will also use quotes from Armstrong to help me illustrate what beauty is. Also using different links will help me to back up my claims.

3 thoughts on “Blog 14”

  1. I think you have great ideas. Using multimedia to present your ideas about beauty and what is means is a great and clear way to get points across to the reader. I also think using your own presentation in your paper is a great idea because you already connected to it, so you know what you’re talking about, making it easy to write strongly about. Using the Little Seagull handbook is a great way to cite your courses, great thinking!!

  2. Eric,
    Using photos and videos to convey your idea is a very good idea. It will help you get your point across to the reader much easier. Using the Seagull Handbook to help you site your sources is also a great use of your resources.

  3. It looks like you are going to focus primarily on music? That’s good! Keep your thesis narrow. As you write future outlines, try to generate a working thesis like we did in class. This can help you as you move forward to your free draft.


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